
PRP Injections

Aesthetics & Wellness Center located in Alpharetta, GA

PRP Injections

PRP Injections services offered in Alpharetta, GA

Injections of revitalizing platelet-rich plasma (PRP) can boost skin firmness, hair growth, and sexual health, among other benefits. At SafiraMD Medical Aesthetics and Wellness Center in Alpharetta, Georgia, Andrea Volk, MD, and the team use PRP injections in many different treatments and services. Book your appointment over the phone or online today to explore your PRP injection options.


PRP Injections Q&A

What are PRP injections?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections are rejuvenating treatments that serve many aesthetics and wellness purposes. At SafiraMD Medical Aesthetics and Wellness Center, Dr. Volk and the team use PRP injections for various types of face and body rejuvenation. 


The substance itself is made up of parts of your blood. Platelets are a type of blood cell, separate from red and white blood cells, that participate in the natural healing process. They help your blood clot to stop bleeding and contain growth factors that trigger cell reproduction. Additionally, PRP contains blood plasma. It’s the liquid in which the cells are suspended. 


PRP injections increase the number of growth factors in an area that needs help with healing. You can treat your skin, scalp, or other various parts of your body depending on your goals for treatment. 

Where does the PRP for my injections come from?

The PRP in your injections at SafiraMD Medical Aesthetics and Wellness Center comes from a sample of your own blood. Your treatment starts with a quick blood draw. Once they obtain the sample, the team at SafiraMD Medical Aesthetics and Wellness Center puts the container in a centrifuge. 


A centrifuge separates your blood into layers of specific cell types by using centrifugal force. The rapid spinning motion causes blood cells to separate based on their density, making it easy for the team to take out all the red and white blood cells. The final product is platelet-rich plasma. 

What can PRP injections do?

SafiraMD Medical Aesthetics and Wellness Center offers PRP injections to serve several purposes. After getting a solid idea of your goals and expectations during a consultation, the team might recommend one of these treatments that use PRP injections:

Sexual wellness treatments

The P-Shot® for men and the O-Shot® for women can help treat sexual dysfunction resulting from age-or menopause-related changes. 

Hair restoration

PRP hair restoration works by reviving dormant follicles that no longer effectively grow hair on your scalp. 

Vampire facials and face-lifts

Vampire facials and face-lifts use PRP injections to alter your facial contours or improve your skin. They can minimize lines and wrinkles, restore volume, and minimize undereye circles, among other benefits.

Vampire breast lift

A Vampire breast lift makes your breasts firmer or fuller using PRP injections alone. 


Explore the many possibilities of PRP injections by scheduling a consultation over the phone or online at SafiraMD Medical Aesthetics and Wellness Center today.

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