
How to Take Care of Your Skin After Microneedling

Apr 12, 2023
How to Take Care of Your Skin After Microneedling
Does the thought of having thousands of tiny needles poking into your skin scare you? Rest assured, the recovery from microneedling doesn’t have to be painful or lengthy. Read on to find out how you can make the best of it.

Microneedling is a treatment in which our provider uses small needles at various depths, ranging from 0.5 millimeters to 2 millimeters, to create micro-wounds in the skin. 

When produced in a sterile environment, these controlled wounds have well-studied benefits. They trigger collagen production as part of the healing process. 

Microneedling is well-documented to reduce lines, deep wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, melasma, scarring, and poor texture, and improve the appearance of stretch marks and enlarged pores.

Also, the creation of these micro-wounds can allow for better absorption of other treatments. For example, microneedling can be quite powerful when paired with treatments such as radio frequency or minoxidil for hair loss. 

If you’re considering microneedling yet find yourself unsure about what to expect from the recovery, read on. Below, we asked Dr. Andrea Volk, our expert at SafiraMD Medical Aesthetics and Wellness Center, to explain the dos and don’ts after microneedling. 

What to expect from microneedling recovery 

Immediately after the treatment, your skin may feel raw and sensitive, and you may also notice some pinpoint bleeding. Our providers will help stop the little bleeding you have and instruct you not to put anything on your skin, not even ointments, for at least six hours.

A day after the treatment, your skin may feel very tight and dry, and at this time you may benefit from a strong moisturizer. You’ll also be asked to wear hats or sunscreen to avoid direct exposure to the sun rays throughout the recovery period.

For the first two days, you’ll be asked to skip applying makeup. At this time, you may also experience dryness and peeling, but this is a normal part of the recovery process. 

For at least two weeks, it’s best to avoid any activities that significantly increase blood flow to the skin, such as intense exercise and sauna. Smoking and alcohol are also best avoided, as they interfere with wound healing. 

After two weeks, you can return to your normal skincare routine. However, before then, it’s best to avoid any exfoliation, vitamin C, or retinol in your skincare routine. 

Find out if you’re a good candidate for microneedling 

Most people are good candidates for microneedling. However, if you’re pregnant or nursing, you may benefit from another type of treatment. If you have some skin concerns and are unsure what to do next, contact us to schedule an appointment at our office in Alpharetta, Georgia.