
How Laser Therapy Can Improve Your Complexion

Nov 15, 2023
How Laser Therapy Can Improve Your Complexion
Sunspots, acne scars, and signs of aging can all be kept at bay with one treatment. Read on to find out how laser technology can boost your skin’s rejuvenation capacity

If you’re tired of hiding your complexion behind foundation and concealer, our expert at SafiraMD Medical Aesthetics and Wellness Center, Dr. Andrea Volk, has your back. 

Laser technology is one of the most versatile and effective weapons against skin imperfections. It can improve skin elasticity, remove pigmentation, and reduce the appearance of wrinkles, all without a lengthy recovery period. Read on to learn how laser therapy works and determine who is a good candidate for the treatment. 

Understanding how laser technology works 

Laser technology is currently one of the most effective weapons against collagen loss in the skin. 

No cream or serum on the market can match the results of laser treatment. Just because you apply collagen to your skin doesn’t mean that your skin will absorb and use the collagen in the cream.

Laser technology tricks your body into producing more collagen. When you suffer an injury to your skin, your body creates more collagen and elastin to repair the damage done to the tissues. 

During a laser treatment, Dr. Volk directs laser energy to increase the temperature of your skin and the tissues beneath it. Your body perceives this small change in temperature as a stressor, and, as a consequence, it produces more collagen to relieve the stress in the affected area. 

Therefore, any skin issue that’s linked to collagen production can be addressed with laser technology. This includes skin laxity, dryness, fine lines, broken blood vessels, rosacea, and hyperpigmentation. 

Laser therapy recovery 

Some lasers remove the upper skin layer of the skin, but this results in a lengthy recovery period. Some patients may even be at risk for scarring due to these types of treatments.

Dr. Volk uses lasers that don’t damage the skin. As a result, you won’t experience any significant peeling after your treatment. 

However, you’ll experience some sensitivity and minor swelling in the treated area. Also, you may be recommended to stop using retinol or acids in your skincare routine and avoid sun exposure. 

Find out if you’re a good candidate for laser therapy

Laser therapy works best if you’re already in good health and don’t have any active infections on your skin. Certain medications — such as blood thinners, photosensitizing drugs, and high dosages of vitamin A — may also prevent you from enjoying the benefits of laser therapy. 

Good candidates have healthy skin but may suffer from pigmentation and uneven complexion, or they may see some signs of aging that they want to address. If you want to learn more about laser therapy, contact us to schedule an appointment. Dr. Volk will examine your skin and outline the best treatment course to achieve your aesthetic goals.